Now you are ready to start introducing others but are you ?

Like any normal job or profession you need to train to be successful. Marketing is not random and you can't just think because you have a website people will find it, you need to drive traffic to it so people will see what you have to offer.

So what you should do is choose an advertising platform, choose several sites within that platform then learn from others how they get results a quick google search will easily come up with lots of websites, blogs & products that can help.

Take what you learn then apply it to your chosen advertising platform and perfect it the best you can If you are doing everything correctly and it doesn't work move on to another platform what you will find is most platforms work when done correctly but results will depend on the various websites some obviously perform better than others. Once you have worked this out on one platform and have a handle on it you just repeat the process again for the next one while keeping the first one going.

You will really notice the difference in your success the more platforms you set up all the time trying to keep a good routine as you build traffic your business will grow resulting in more and more sign ups.

If you can get a good mentor you will really get things moving i think this is very important when your new to marketing. This is just a basic outline there are other elements such as list building for example that need to be in place but this outline will get you started.

Be creative and consistent and offer help to others as you learn this is a great way to build a good reputation and also a good way to promote your traffic generating programs and tools.

I hope this helped to give you a good idea of where to start and i wish you much success feel free to contact me should you need any help or advice. Just keep in mind that helping others and sharing will build your business and your reputation.
Are you building teams guys are you working together and i mean really working together not just in each others downlines ?

A lot of marketers bless them are not it is all about them getting as many referrals or sign ups as possible not knowing they are in direct competition with each other. But because they share a little information with each other they think this is team work.


Man i can't express how wrong this is really, it is not team work if you are all placing similar adds and under each other.
Real team work means joining together to build the team you can do this many ways.
This is what  i would call team work get together with with some people that are in the same opportunity as you preferably in your downline or upline for best results.
Set up a rotator there are lots of free rotators about that are very good here is one i use when setting up a team Free Pro Rotator then simply add your links to it make sure you use the same affiliate page so it looks like one website.
Create a splash page and link it to your rotator using a click here button Get creative with this maybe add your autoresponder form.
Videos are great to if your not using them i recommend you do it is the future of marketing and gets good results you could even have ago at creating a flash intro video i have found these really work well.
Then your good to go get the whole team promoting the splash page combining your efforts this way not only means your whole team build their business but it gives you an attractive offer to new potential prospects.
A new prospect will feel confident knowing they are joining a team and not just a downline and when they start getting results right away this will inspire them to go all out for you and your team.
If you do this i know you will see how powerful Real Team Work is and you will never look back at the old so called "team work" again in your opportunities you will also be well ahead of the game trust me not many people are doing this.